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篇名 聽過反記錯?電視劇產品置入的注意力和記憶效果
卷期 33
並列篇名 Heard but Falsely Remembered? The Attention and Memory Effect of Product Placement in TV Episodes
作者 游婉雲蔡介立陶振超
頁次 189-214
關鍵字 產品置入視聽整合理解歷程偽記憶product placementaudio-visual integrationcomprehension processfalse memory
出刊日期 201707




While product placement has been widely used in various media contexts, there is no consensus on how or why the perceptual modality and story plot converge to determine its effectiveness in communication. From the theoretical views of situated comprehension and false memory, the present study investigated the attention and memory effects caused by verbal mention and plot connection of product placement. An experiment using different types of product placements in TV episodes as stimuli showed that: (1) high plot connection placements gained more attention and had better brand memory performance than their low plot connection counterparts; (2) verbal mention exerted a reverse effect on brand memory performance of high or low plot connection placements. The present study concluded that the theoretical perspective of situated comprehension and false memory successfully explained the cognitive effect of product placement, thus offering a plausible approach to future media research and providing practical implications for industry.
