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篇名 高階經理人薪酬、性別與企業社會責任之探討
卷期 6特刊2
並列篇名 The Effect of Executive Compensation and Gender on Corporate Social Responsibility
作者 黃惠君蘇淑慧盧正宗
頁次 158-170
關鍵字 企業社會責任高階經理人薪酬性別Corporate Social ResponsibilityExecutive CompensationManager
出刊日期 201708
DOI 10.6285/MIC.6(S2).14


本研究探討高階經理人薪酬、性別與企業執行企業社會責任之關聯性, 除了檢測高階經理人總薪酬外, 另將總薪酬分為現金薪酬跟權益薪酬。此 外,過去文獻指出,性別差異會影響人格特質、行事作風及決策之執行,本 研究進一步探討高階經理人之性別是否會影響薪酬與企業執行企業社會責 任之關聯性。本研究以天下雜誌「企業公民Top50」作為企業具有社會責任 之代理衡量變數。實證結果顯示,高階經理人薪酬與企業社會責任呈現顯著 正向關聯,表示高階經理人薪酬愈高的公司,愈可能履行企業社會責任。本 研究亦進一步發現,女性經理人薪酬愈高,公司獲選為企業社會責任公司之 機率愈高,顯示性別之差異會影響管理風格甚至是公司管理決策。


The purpose of this study is to examine whether corporate social responsibility is associated with executive compensation which is further decomposed of cash-based compensation and equity-based compensation. Since prior research indicates that the managers gender would affect their personal characteristic and decision making, this study further investigate whether manager gender affect the relationship between executive compensation and corporate social responsibility. The empirical results show that higher executive compensation is positively associated with corporate social responsibility, implying that managers satisfied with their compensation are more likely to lead the companies to perform corporate social responsibility. Furthermore, the results show that female managers with higher compensation is significantly positive with corporate social responsibility, indicating that manger gender could be an important factor that influence the leadership style and further firms’ decision to perform corporate social responsibility.

