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篇名 線上遊戲玩家參與共創因素之探討:比較不同共創任務之差異
卷期 6特刊3
並列篇名 Does Different Task Matter? The Determinants of Users’ Co-creation Intention to Contribute the Development of Online Games
作者 陳意文顏如妙
頁次 024-039
關鍵字 線上遊戲計畫行為理論社會影響歷程共同創造共創任務On-line gameTPBsocial influence processco-creation intentionco-creation task
出刊日期 201708
DOI 10.6285/MIC.6(S3).03




With the popularization of network infrastructure and the acceleration of connection speed, on-line game is considered as the emerging industry in the digital era; the market share, the income and the number of player are markedly increased. The reasons that people play on-line games are crucial issues of research; most studies have focused on the adoption of entertainment-oriented technology. However, the growing trend is the increasing participation behavior that players’ allow to contribute expertise on interaction platform. This study applies the theory of planned behavior (TPB) that incorporate social influences and the co-creation perspective as related constructs to predict users’ intention on different tasks. The proposed model is empirically evaluated using survey data collected from 349 users representing six co-creation tasks and employing structural equation modeling methodology. The results indicate that, personal attitude is the mediator of domain-relevant skills and co-creation intention with tasks of providing suggestions and feedback. The mediating role of social identity only exists in the task of participation in discussion. The creative self-efficacy is the most important factor when players joining tasks with demand-oriented activities. Finally, theoretical and managerial implications of the findings are discussed.

