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篇名 Carex longii (Cyperaceae), the First Naturalized Carex in Taiwan
卷期 19:3
並列篇名 龍氏薹(莎草科):台灣第一種歸化之薹屬植物
作者 許天銓鐘詩文
頁次 207-213
關鍵字 Carex longiiCyperaceaeNaturalized plantTaiwan龍氏薹莎草科歸化植物台灣
出刊日期 201707


近日發現於基隆市的龍氏薹(Carex longii Mack.)為台灣第一種歸化的薹屬物種。它可 依下述特徵與其他同屬物種區分:花序穗狀,總苞穎片狀,小穗雌雄同穗且雌花位於上方, 雄花位於下方,及伏貼狀斜出之果囊。此物種原產於美洲,可能是隨道路邊坡植生工程之植 材所引進。


Carex longii Mack. was recently discovered in Keelung City and represents the first naturalized species of the genus Carex in Taiwan. It could be distinguished from other known congeners in Taiwan by the combination of spicate inflorescence, glume-like involucral bracts, gynaecandrous spikes and appressed-ascending urticles. C. longii is native to America and was possibly introduced to Taiwan along with the materials used for vegetative restoration during roadside slope construction.
