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篇名 專業證照與人力資源管理實務對工作績效影響之探究
卷期 5特刊1
並列篇名 The Influence of Professional Certificates and Human Resource Management Practices on Job Performance in Taiwanese Tourism Industry
作者 鮑慧文王采盈蕭雅云
頁次 099-113
關鍵字 專業證照人力資源管理Heckman 兩階段模型Professional CertificatesHuman Resource ManagementHeckman two-stage
出刊日期 201708
DOI 10.6510/JTLM.5(S1).10


隨著台灣觀光服務業快速成長,大專院校紛紛成立觀光餐旅等相關科系,每年可培育大約上萬多位畢業生投入職場。事實上學校教育偏重理論與研究導向而產生學用落差之現象。教育部於民國98年提出技職教育再造方案,鼓勵學生取得專業證照來提升專業程度與就業競爭力。近幾年人力專業證照的成效逐漸受到關注,然而過去學者的研究中,多著重在持照者本身的角度,針對企業的角度,過去文獻上甚少著墨。 本研究以訊號理論出發,以Heckman 兩階段方法來驗證觀光服務業的聘僱決策 及專業證照是否有助於員工工作績效之提升,並進一步與人力資源管理實務作對話,探討外部專業證照持照者的聘僱決策對企業內部人力資源管理實務與工作績效影響的相對重要性,以釐清專業證照對就業市場的有效性與工作績效之意涵。


This study aims to investigate how professional certificates and human resource management practices affect job performance in Taiwanese tourism industry. By using two-stage Heckman analysis, the results indicate that the professional certificates cause positive effects to the hiring decision of firms in Taiwanese tourism industry. Furthermore, compared to HRM practices within firms, professional certificates lead better job performance. That means the market value of professional certificates has been confirmed in Taiwanese tourism industry.
