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篇名 基於組合賦權和VIKOR 算法選擇咖啡店的模型
卷期 6特刊4
並列篇名 Based on combinational weight and VIKOR Algorithm for Selection Coffee Industry Model
作者 李素惠吳美珍郭信霖
頁次 024-033
關鍵字 二元對比法VIKOR理想解顧客學熵權Binary contrastVIKORIdeal solutionGuestologyEntropy weight
出刊日期 201708
DOI 10.6285/MIC.6(S4).04




A new method is proposed to solve multiple attribute group decision making problems with VIKOR assessment information. The paper developed service quality of evaluation index system for coffee industry selection is put forward based on guestology, and a multi-level model of modified ideal solution, based on combined binary contrast with entropy weight. According to the traditional ideas of project method, the optimal alternative(s) is determined by calculating the project values of every alternative and positive ideal solution and negative ideal solution. It is based on the concept that the optimal alternative should have the largest degree of relative closeness from positive ideal solution. Finally, it also intend to utilize quantitive method for analysis to improve the order preference of coffee industry selection was attained, and the excellent and ideal coffee industry was ascertained for the guest operation assessment being more objective, reasonable and comprehensive.
