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篇名 促進國小教師摘要策略教學的專業發展
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 Professional Development of Elementary School Teachers to Promote their Teaching of Summarization Strategy
作者 陸怡琮
頁次 059-080
關鍵字 國小教師教師專業發展摘要教學閱讀策略教學elementary school teachersteacher professional developmentsummarizing instructionreading strategy instruction
出刊日期 201708
DOI 10.3966/207136492017081002003




The purpose of this study is to develop a model for teacher professional development in teaching summarization strategy, and to explore two elementary school teachers’ professional development in reading strategy instruction through their participation in this study. The teacher professional development model consists of three components: teaching practices, community of practices, and teacher reflection. That is, the professional growth of teachers’ knowledge and skills in reading strategy instruction was realized as they were involved in designing lesson plans and implementing instructional activities in classrooms, participating in a professional community where they collaborated and interacted with a reading expert and a teacher colleague, and continuously reflecting on their teaching practices. Meeting minutes, teacher reflections, and teacher-created lesson plans and learning sheets were collected and analyzed. The results indicated that the teachers developed an increasing understanding of the procedure of summarizing, the instructional procedure of summarizing, the factors influencing students’ learning of summarization, how students of diverse abilities summarized differently, and how instruction could adapt to students’ individual differences. The teachers also observed their students’ progress in summary writing, and reported their own growth in regard to the pedagogical knowledge of reading strategy instruction.
