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篇名 照護一位青少年創傷膝上截肢之護理經驗
卷期 23:1
並列篇名 Nursing Experience on Caring an Adolescent with Traumatic Above Knee Amputation
作者 陳彥伶蕭伊汝李彩緣
頁次 029-042
關鍵字 青少年意外創傷截肢adolescentaccident traumaamputation
出刊日期 201706


本文描述一位青少年因車禍被迫接受膝上截肢之照護經驗,護理期間自2014年2月14日至2 月28日,以Gordon十一項功能性健康型態評估,運用直接照護、觀察及訪談等方式收集資料, 確立護理問題有無效性因應能力、急性疼痛、組織完整性受損及身體心像紊亂。護理過程中藉 由輕拍大腿或周圍撫摸,以轉移疼痛與強化殘肢存在感;運用復健訓練活動,避免關節扭曲和 變形。青少年面臨身體外觀改變及心理創傷雙重衝擊,護理人員應主動關懷、傾聽和同理身體 心像改變之經歷,鼓勵其參與團體活動,並引導重新建立個人價值觀。對於後期復健及更深入 的心理層面,更需長時間追蹤與介入,以提供病人出院後持續身心靈方面照護。


This article describes nursing care experience for an adolescent with traumatic above knee amputation after an accident. The primary care occurred from February 14th to 28th, 2014. The author used direct care, observation and interviews to collect data. For the assessment, Gordon's 11 functional health patterns were used. The major health problems were identified as follows: ineffective coping ability; acute pain; impaired tissue integrity; and, negative body image Distinct pain was apparent, and to avoid contracture and deformed joints, the patient required extensive physiotherapy to assist range of motion. Nurses had massaged and tapped the limb as part of the therapy and recovery process. The adolescent had a negative body image and post traumatic stress disorder. Nurses should be caring, good listeners and compassionate in the recovery process. Furthermore, nurses encourage patient participation in community activities, and re-establish normal lives. Finally, it takes time to recover from physical and psychological rehabilitation after being discharged, nurses should keep continue practicing care in mental health needs.
