
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Serial Communication Card and Emergency Technology in Internet of Things
卷期 28:4
作者 Lei ZhangLun XieLiang Chen JinWeiZe Li
頁次 157-169
關鍵字 emergency technologyintelligent FPGAInternet of thingsremote monitor and controlserial communicationEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201708
DOI 10.3966/199115592017082804017



Accompanied with emergency technology and Internet of things(IoT for short) closely, emergency measure is coping burst with things related to unexpected happened events. Intelligent serial communication is applied more widely in the communication field, in these areas three standards are still being widely used. The article designed an intelligent serial communication card which integrated three kinds of serial communication standards—RS- 232、RS-422 and RS-485 and two kinds of protocol——UART and HDLC. The main problem is that there is no customized serial card containing IoT technology and enough kinds and number in the ready-made market. IoT is information of things using intelligent sensor equipment, by means of several kinds of network transformation, arriving at emergency information center, realizing automation of information interactive and disposal. This paper’s novelty lies in the technology for Emergency and Internet of things, combined with self-design communication card, this product has huge promotion value.

