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篇名 仁慈領導一定能讓部屬產生組織公民行為嗎?領導者操弄意圖知覺與部屬信任的中介式調節作用
卷期 27:3
並列篇名 Does Benevolent Leadership Always Lead to Organizational Citizenship Behavior? The Mediated Moderation Effect of Manipulative Intention and Trust
作者 林家五胡宛仙施建彬
頁次 033-064
關鍵字 歸因理論仁慈領導操弄意圖信任組織公民行為attribution theorybenevolent leadershipmanipulative intentiontrustorganizational citizenship behaviorScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 201709
DOI 10.6226/NTUMR.2017.JAN.A102-062


依據領導的歸因理論,部屬對領導行為背後動機的歸因,會影響部屬後續的情緒與行 為;因而,本研究推論部屬對於領導者操弄意圖知覺,將調節仁慈領導對於部屬對組 織與對主管的信任,以及組織公民行為的效果,研究者提出了中介式調節模型並做後 續驗證。針對340 位部屬兩階段的調查結果顯示,當部屬知覺領導者有高度操弄意圖 時,仁慈領導對於部屬之組織信任、主管信任及組織公民行為呈現較低正相關或負相 關;反之,當部屬知覺領導者的操弄意圖低時,仁慈領導對於部屬之組織信任、主管 信任及組織公民行為則呈現正相關;此外,仁慈領導與操弄意圖知覺的交互作用,會 透過信任組織與信任主管的部分中介,間接影響部屬的組織公民行為;本文最後除了 說明結論與討論外,也針對研究限制與未來研究提出數點建議。


Drawing on the attribution theory of leadership process, the subordinates’ attribution of intention about leaders’ behavior will affect their emotion and behavior. To address the attribution-consequence process, we hypothesize that perception of leaders’ manipulative intention moderated the positive relationship between benevolent leadership and trust, (i.e., in supervisor and organization) and organizational citizenship behavior, a mediated moderation model was proposed and tested. Two-wave data collected from 340 subordinates displayed results which demonstrated that benevolent leadership was less positively or even negatively related to trust and OCB when subordinates perceived high manipulative intention of their leaders’ behavior. On the contrast, benevolent leadership was positively related to trust and OCB when subordinates perceived low manipulative intention. Another finding is that benevolent leadership is most effective when they interact with the manipulative intention–the interaction effect on OCB partially mediated by trust in supervisor and organization. Finally, research limitations and suggestions for future research are also discussed.
