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篇名 Muscle Relaxation with Biofeedback in Group for Neurotic Outpatients
卷期 8:1/2
作者 Fong-Lin JangSen-Yen HsuShu-Chuang LaiHsiu-Hsing Hsieh
頁次 009-024
關鍵字 muscle relaxationbiofeedbackgroup therapyTSCI
出刊日期 200206



Objective: The purpose of this study is to explore the possibility of performing muscle relaxation with biofeedback in group with the help of temperature biofeedback ring.Methods: Outpatients were referred from psychiatric OPD to relaxation special clinic. In the beginning of the treatment, patients finished self-rating scales including Symptom Check List-90 Revised (SCL-90R), and Maudsley Personality Inventory (MPI). After completing the 6-hour program, patients finished another post-treatment SCL-90R and a questionnaire of interval scale about ranking the effectiveness of the treatment. There were two kinds of group format: group A with weekly 1-hour session for 6 times and group B with weekly 1.5-hour session for 4 times. Results: There were 180 clients (male = 76, female = 104; 127 ingroup A, 53 in group B) once attending the special clinic, and most were neurotic patients (panic disorder=21, dysthymic disorder = 58, generalized anxiety disorder = 57, anxiety NOS = 14). 160 patients completed the pre-treatment self-rating scales (113/127 in group A and 47/53 in group B). 88 patients completed the whole treatment and all pre- and post-treatment scales (49/113 in group A and 39/47 in group B). The 88 patients showed significant improvement in total score and in respective items of SCL-90R, but there was no significant between-diagnoses effect. MPI score of all 160 patients showed significant difference when compared with non-psychiatric norm (P^ 0),but there was no between-group difference about MPI scores. Correlation of post-treatment questionnaire showed more appreciation of group therapy for younger age. Conclusions: group-formed muscle relaxation with biofeedback is an effective and economical mode for treating neurotic patients.
