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篇名 Intra-arterial Concurrent Chemo-Radiation Therapy (IACCRT ) for non-operative mouth floor cancer: A case report
卷期 24:3
並列篇名 同步動脈灌注化放療於口底癌:案例報告
作者 鄭元愷吳誌峰陳俊明黃志仁
頁次 255-259
關鍵字 Mouth floor cancerIntra-arterial concurrent chemo-radiation therapy Quality of lifeDisease-free survival口底癌同步動脈灌注化放療生活品質無病生存期TSCI
出刊日期 201709
DOI 10.6316/TRO/201724(3)255


晚期口底癌的治療,一般是手術切除輔以手術部位和區域淋巴結的放射線治療。儘管經過 多專科治療,該疾病預後在過去仍是不佳。此外,將手術對功能和外觀上的影響,降到最低仍 然是個挑戰。同步動脈灌注化放療於頭頸癌的角色仍然是有爭論的。我們報告這種複合治療方 式在一個 46 歲男性口底癌的有效性與可行性,以作為一個非手術治療的替代性選項。9 年追蹤 下,患者仍保有絕佳的生活品質,外觀與無病生存期。


Locally advanced mouth floor cancer is generally treated with resection combined with adjuvant radiation therapy of the primary tumor bed and regional nodes. Despite aggressive multi-modality therapy, the disease outcomes have remained poor. To preserve function and a cosmetic effect, surgery remains a challenge. The role of intra-arterial concurrent chemo-radiation therapy in the multimodality treatment of head and neck cancer is still controversial. We report our experience of the effectiveness and feasibility of this combination as an alternative non-surgical choice of treatment for a 46 year old male with cT2N1M0 mouth floor cancer. The patient had an excellent quality of life, cosmetic appearance and disease-free survival after 9-year follow up.
