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篇名 德行與超性:趙雅博的士林哲學倫理學
卷期 44:9=520
並列篇名 Virtue and Transcendence: Albert Chao’s Scholastic Ethics
作者 潘小慧
頁次 055-073
關鍵字 德行超性趙雅博倫理學士林哲學臺灣新士林哲學VirtueTranscendenceAlbert ChaoEthicsScholastic PhilosophyTaiwan Neo-ScholasticismA&HCI
出刊日期 201709


趙雅博(1917-2015)極為看重倫理學,關於倫理思想的 著作主要有三本:《中外基本道德論》( 1994)、《中外特殊倫理 學》( 1995)、《家庭倫理面面觀》(1981)。前兩本跟哲學倫理 學的關係較密切,也較重要;第三本則可說是特殊倫理學的補充。 另有道德教育專書一本,題為《倫理道德教育與性教育》( 1993), 可作為其倫理思想的補充或應用。《中外基本道德論》全書以「論 仁」開場,智、義、勇、節四樞德居次,其中花了四章篇幅討論正 義(3-6章);顯示三超性之德之愛德為首要之德,其次沿襲古希臘、 中世紀對本性之德四樞德之重視,見得全書架構主要本於士林哲學 之德行倫理學的基調,亦兼採中國儒家哲學的精華。在此書〈序論〉, 趙雅博開宗明義地道出:「基本道德一種是以智為中樞;一種是以 仁愛為基本,如果沒有愛心,行為則只有表面的價值了。」重視對 人性行為的内在動機以及對道德主體自身的要求,這完全符合多瑪 斯倫理學的基本精神。《中外特殊倫理學》一書則包含社會倫理、 個人倫理、家庭倫理、政治倫理學、國際倫理學,最終及於宗教倫 理。這樣的倫理書寫,將視野擴及國際,將境界提昇至超性的宗教, 展現趙雅博倫理思想的廣度和高度。本文主要以《中外基本道德論》 和《中外特殊倫理學》二書為據,嘗試梳理趙雅博的倫理學基本立 場及内容,並將之對比於士林哲學的倫理學,最終闡揚來自天主的 超性正是人德行的根基。


Ethics is a great part of Professor Albert Chao’s philosophy, regarding which he wrote three books as supplements to or applications of his thoughts in Ethics: Chinese and Western Fundamental Doctrines on Morality, Chinese and Western Special Ethics and Aspects of Familial Ethics. Chinese and Western Fundamental Doctrines on Morality begins with a discussion on benevolence (ren), before proceeding to discuss prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance; among others, four chapters (Chapter III to Chapter VI) focus on justice. Charity proves to be first and foremost quality among the three transcendental qualities of faith, hope and charity. Then, following the ancient Greek and Medieval emphases on the four cardinal virtues, the framework of this book is founded on Scholastic virtue ethics, while employing also the essence of Confucian philosophy. Chao makes it clear in the Introduction, “Fundamental morality revolves around prudence on the one hand and relies on benevolence on the other hand, without which acts have only superficial values.” Such emphases on the internal motivation for human acts and the demands on the moral subject are consistent with the basic spirits of Thomas Aquinas’s ethics. Chinese and Western Special Ethics contains social ethics, personal ethics, familial ethics, political ethics, international ethics and finally religious ethics. Such writings on ethics elevate Chao’s perspectives and views to the international arena and raise his state of mind to transcendental religion, demonstrating the width and height of his ethical thinking. Informed by Chinese and Western Fundamental Doctrines on Morality, Chinese and Western Special Ethics, this article is attempted to sort out the fundamental positions and contents of Chao’s ethics, compare them with Scholastic ethics and eventually explicate that the foundation of human virtue originates form the Lord5s transcendental qualities.
