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篇名 從「文獻」到「思想」: 趙雅博教授及其秦漢思想史研究
卷期 44:9=520
並列篇名 From Literature to Thought: A Review of Professor Albert Chao’s Studies on the History of Thought During the Qin and Han Dynasties
作者 劉訓茜
頁次 095-109
關鍵字 趙雅博秦漢思想史方法論語境主義二重證據法Albert Chaothe History of Thought During the Qin and Han DynastiesMethodologyContextualismThe Method of Dual EvidenceA&HCI
出刊日期 201709


本文主旨在於探討趙雅博教授秦漢思想史研究的相關内 容及方法特色。全文共分三部分。第一部分為趙氏之方法論。趙雅博 重視文獻考訂,遵循的是先明歷史事實之真實,後做哲學義理之闡發 的原則,並通過傳世文獻與出土文獻相互參證的「二重證據法」治秦 漢思想史。此外,趙氏多將思想置於歷史背景中考察,展現出「語境 主義」的傾向。第二部分討論趙氏研究方法之淵源。趙氏以傳統文獻 學為基礎,結合「古書通例」的研究方法,深受輔仁大學學術氛圍以 及劉盼遂、余嘉錫兩位先生的影響。第三部分論述趙雅博在具體的哲 學史研究中,贊成借用西方哲學的組織和體系來研究中國哲學,但著 作中多使用古代典籍固有名詞,並且注重討論秦漢思想史中有關生 民日用、社會安定的一套政治構想,因為這是中國哲學思想的重心所 在。综上所述,趙博雅教授既能深入傳統文獻的爬梳,又能從西方哲 學等角度跳出反思,因而多有創獲,他對中國古代思想史特質及研究 方法的提示具有重要啟示。


This paper discusses the main viewpoints and characteristics of Professor Albert Chao’s study on the history of thought during the Qin and Han dynasties. The article is divided into three sections. The first section discusses his research characteristics. Albert Chao clarifies “thought” as a historical fact in the first instance, and then determines its value using philosophical methods. Albert Chao is methodologically inclined to contextualism. However, the problem of value judgment still remains the core issue in his research. Secondly, this paper argues that Albert Chao’s research method is deeply influenced by the academia of Fu Jen Catholic University and such masters as Liu Pansui and Yu Jiaxi. Thirdly, this paper discusses Albert Chao’s perspective on the question of the “legitimacy of Chinese philosophy”. He endorses a study of Chinese philosophy from the perspective of Western philosophy and its organizational system. However, he also focuses on pragmatic rulership, which is relevant to people’s livelihood and social stability, and is the central idea of Chinese philosophy. In general, Professor Albert Chao’s research is enlightening because not only does he summarize the essence of traditional literary works, but also reflects upon various perspectives of Western philosophy. Furthermore, he provides an important inspiration for the research method of Chinese philosophy.
