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篇名 蘇格拉底對話法在大學教學之應用
卷期 44:9=520
並列篇名 A Study on Applying Socratic Dialogue to University Teaching
作者 劉藍芳
頁次 157-178
關鍵字 尼爾森蘇格拉底對話法大學教學Leonard NelsonSocratic DialogueUniversity TeachingA&HCI
出刊日期 201709


本研究旨在探討蘇格拉底對話法對大學生學習的影響,研 究者以行動研究法在大學中執行二階段(二個學期)之教學,並輔以 訪談,了解此對話法的優缺點,以及學生在學習上是否產生重要改 變。本研究發現採用蘇格拉底對話法進行教學,對學生學習有如下效 果:促進學生批判思考能力、增進教學中對話的深度與廣度、引導學 生釐清概念與原則、激發主動精神及有助於學習民主社會素養。


The main purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of Socratic Dialogue (SD) on university students’ learning. The researcher firstly conducted an action research for two phases of the dialogue, with a follow-up interview. Then the possible advantages and disadvantages of SD were further investigated, with some likely significant changes found during the students’ learning. These major research findings cover several points below. SD plays major influences on students’ learning, including enhancing their critical thinking, increasing the depth and breadth of instructional conversations, clarifying students’ concepts and the principles behind the concepts. It also promotes students to inquire actively and harness a deeper learning towards a social democracy.
