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篇名 意識黑箱與「兩種文化之爭」論戴維‧洛奇的《想……》
卷期 46:3=458
並列篇名 Black Box of Human Consciousness and “Two Cultures Dispute”|Reading David Lodge’s Thinks. . .
作者 張瓊惠
頁次 055-082
關鍵字 戴維•洛奇Joan Chiung-huei Chang《意識與小說》《私密想法》人類意識感質兩種文化之爭人工智慧David LodgeThinks. . .Consciousness and the NovelSecret Thoughtshuman consciousnessqualiaTwo Cultures Disputeartificial intelligenceTHCI
出刊日期 201709
DOI 10.6637/CWLQ.2017.46(3) .55-81


英國小說家/文學評論家戴維•洛奇認為人類意識是充滿神秘、奧 妙、難以探知究竟的黑箱。九〇年代中期,因為許多科學新知的盛行及 跨領域研究的興起,戴維•洛奇的文學創作與研究中也陸續出現許多探 索科學的內容,例如意識與感質、人工智慧與機器人等,其中又以再現 藝術與科學這「兩種文化之爭」尤為精彩。本文將從科學邏輯以及文學分 析的視角,檢視《想……》如何探索「人類意識」與「感質」,指出「兩種文 化之爭」不只呈現在洛奇的單一文本內,也再現在洛奇的跨文本間,以 及小說的虛構世界和洛奇的真實人生,以此再次檢討人文及科學對立的 問題。論文分為兩個部分,首先是檢視戴維•洛奇如何在《想……》這 本小說中,分別用文學和科學架起兩個平台,去探索人類意識及感質的 神祕世界;其次是洛奇如何用不同的文類,如評論、小說、戲劇、座談 會等,去呈現「兩種文化之爭」。論文最後探討洛奇對兩種文化之爭的態 度,以及化解這「兩種文化之爭」的可能策略。


English writer and critic David Lodge considers human consciousness as an enigmatic and inscrutable “black box.” Influenced by the blooming scientific advancements and acclaim for interdisciplinary studies, scientific topics, such as consciousness, qualia, artificial intelligence and robots, frequently appear in Lodge’s creative writings and literary criticism; a distinct example among them is his writing about the Two Cultures Dispute between arts and science. This study applies perspectives from scientific analytics and literary criticism to understand Lodge’s exploration of human consciousness and qualia in his works, so as to unfold their intra-textual and inter-textual representations of the Two Cultures Dispute. There are mainly two parts in this study: the first examines the Two Cultures Dispute represented in Lodge’s novel Thinks. . .; the second displays the Two Cultures Dispute realized by an inter-textual juxtaposition of Lodge’s novel, literary criticism, drama and also his participation in a forum. The study aims to disclose Lodge’s comments on the Two Culture Disputes and his proposed solution to this long-term argument.
