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篇名 運用創意衛教模式提升血液透析病人對高磷飲食之認知
卷期 16:2
並列篇名 Enhance the Awareness of High-Phosphorus Diet in Hemodialysis Patients through a Creative Education Model
作者 林姵妘林淑華林筱芳
頁次 044-059
關鍵字 血液透析高血磷創意圖卡hemodialysisHyperphosphatemiacreative figure cardTSCI
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.3966/172674042017061602004


本專案旨在提升血液透析病人對高磷飲食的認知,統計 2015 年 1 月至 4 月中 部某區域教學醫院血液透析中心病人之高血磷症發生率為 33%,由於長期血磷過 高會造成病人許多嚴重合併症,因此經調查血液透析病人對高磷飲食認知正確率僅 53.56%,現況分析原因為:衛教工具不足、護理人員衛教方式不符合病人需求。在運 用創意衛教模式—予統計病人記錄或拍照的飲食日誌內容,再依平日進食之份量做食 物拍攝並註明含磷量,製作成下列衛教工具:(1)桌遊圖卡—讓病人在遊戲中學習 (2)衛教手冊—呈現 120 種食物圖片增加認知(3)圖卡月曆火車—每日一種高磷 食物增加印象。此創意衛教模式清楚呈現病人平日所攝取的食物含磷量多寡,也使病 人對高磷飲食認知正確率提升至 80.56%,獲得良好成效。


This project aims to enhance the awareness of high phosphorus diet in hemodialysis patients. The prevalence rate of hyperphosphatemia in hemodialysis patients at a regional teaching hospital in Central Taiwan averaged 33% between January and April 2015. Hyperphosphatemia is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in hemodialysis patients. Just 53.56% of patients undergoing hemodialysis were aware of what foods are high in phosphorous. The reasons included inadequate teaching tools, and the health education method used by nursing personnel being not suitable for patient needs. In the creative education model, we analyze the patient’s written or photographic diet diary. Photos were then taken of regular portions and noted with their phosphorous content to produce the following health education tools: (1) Playing cards that help patient to learn through play; (2) Health education handbook with pictures of 120 foods to boost recognition; and (3) Calendar food series with one phosphorus-rich food introduced each day to create a bigger impression. The creative education model gives a clear presentation of how much phosphorous there is in the patient’s daily food intake. It also increased patient accuracy in recognition of phosphorous-rich to 80.56%.
