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篇名 Gas-Forming Pyogenic Liver Abscess: A Case Report
卷期 15:3
並列篇名 產氣細菌的化膿性肝膿腫:病例報告
作者 瞿裕昌吳元琿蔡光超侯民波
頁次 161-166
關鍵字 pyogenic liver abscessdiabetes mellitusgas-forming organism細菌性肝膿腫糖尿病產氣性細菌
出刊日期 201709
DOI 10.3966/181020932017091503005


產氣細菌的化膿性肝膿腫被認為一個非常嚴重的疾病,並具有死亡率很高。它的 發生率是化膿性肝膿腫的7°%-24°%。我們報告一位65歲糖尿病及高血壓患者診斷為產 氣細菌的化膿性肝膿腫。該患者接受治療包含斷層掃描引導下經皮穿刺引流術,第三 代抗生素並具控制高血糖。患者20天的住院治療後得到改善並且平安出院。


Gas-forming pyogenic liver abscess (GPLA), an uncommon and potentially fatal disease, represents 7%-24% of pyogenic liver abscess cases. Diabetes mellitus is a well-known risk factor for pyogenic liver abscess. Here, we present a case of GPLA in a 65-year-old man with diabetic mellitus and hypertension. The patient received computed tomography-guided percutaneous drainage, third generation cephalosporin and insulin control for hyperglycemia. He was discharged 20 days after admission without any complication.
