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篇名 博物館綠能光源的探究-論博物館展示引入自然光之新展望
卷期 21:3
並列篇名 A Study on the Green Lighting of Museums- New Perspectives on the Introduction of Natural Light into the Museum Exhibition
作者 耿鳳英
頁次 091-122
關鍵字 博物館展示展示照明綠能光源博物館參觀經驗Museum exhibitionsExhibition lightingGreen lightingMuseum experience
出刊日期 201709


綠能設計與永續減碳已經是新世紀設計的趨勢,博物館與產業文化資產也正擁抱此一世 界風潮。博物館肩負蒐藏與保存自然與人類文化遺產的重責大任,其中與設計息息相關 的就是展示的功能,因為展示扮演著物件與觀眾溝通最直接的橋樑。在博物館展示設計 領域,照明有如當代博物館空間的魔法棒,為展出物件畫出一道道的光環,讓觀眾對展 出文物有更清楚與完整的輪廓,增進觀眾的認知,並愛上博物館。 光線,是照明的媒介,讓展示一目了然,同時也是創造展示氣氛的重要元素;但是,光 與照明往往是展示設計規劃過程中最後才被考慮的一項元素。近二十年來,國內外博物 館最優秀與最令人印象深刻的展示,其獨到之處往往都決定於展示照明優秀與否,從法 國國立自然史博物館的大演化廳的定時照明秀、到英國泰德現代館的渦輪大廳(Turbine Hall at Tate Modern, London)的引入天光、德國慕尼黑布蘭德霍斯特美術館(Brandhorst Museum, Munich)運用機械輔助引進自然光達成節電與永續經營,了解光線照明對觀眾 參觀經驗的影響正是本研究的主要動機。 呼應綠能減碳的趨勢,本研究目的在透過探討自然光照引進博物館展示所造成的影響, 如何達成綠設計與永續發展,得以減低電能使用,並增進觀眾參觀的經驗。案例將以德 國慕尼黑布蘭德霍斯特美術館的現場觀察、實際照明測試與深度訪談法,收集第一手資 料並進行深入的分析。期許能歸納出對觀眾友善(user-friendly)的展示空間與照明需求的 成因,透過德國近年來努力與符合節能省碳的綠能設計之案例,歸納出博物館也能產生 更多展示光情境的可能性。本研究提出自然光照引入的運用,將是為博物館場域加持的 利器,不僅可以為博物館觀眾創造出更具親和力的光源、還能創造出無拘無束的視覺體 驗,更可以為節能省碳盡一份心力,愛護地球,建構出永續環保的新環境。


Green design and sustainable low carbon are the new design trends in the new century. Museums and cultural heritage industry are embracing this fashion as well. Museums take the responsibility to collect and care for the natural and cultural heritage. One of the very significant functions is to exhibit, because museum exhibitions are the bridge to communicate with visitors. Lighting can be regarded as the magic power in the exhibition space, it helps to draw the colours of any objects in museum. It often creates an environment better for visitors to see and understand, and ultimately to love the museum. Lights are the medium of lighting, with the function to help exhibit everything clearly, as well as to make proper atmosphere for exhibitions. However, lighting is normally the last task in the exhibition design process. There have been many impressive and stunning exhibitions all over the world for the last twenty years, such as the Grand Gallery at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris, the naturally lit Turbine Hall at Tate Modern in London, the new technology incorporated at the Brandhorst Museum in Munich, all for the positive influence on visiting experience and the foundation for the motivation of this research. In response to the green energy and low carbon emulsion, this research aims to investigate the possibility of introduction of natural light into exhibition halls and further to achieve green design and sustainability, meanwhile to enhance visitor’s experiences. In order to collect first-hand information, the author conducted personal observations and in-depth interviews to understand the reality in some museums in Munich, Germany. The authors argues that with energy saving green design and modern lighting technology it actually creates a user-friendly exhibition space and increases more chances in shaping the exhibitions ethos. The author further proposes that with proper introduction of natural lights, it will benefit the museums and its exhibitions, not only to make a better lighted environment for visitors, but also to make a rich visiting space and gain better experiences and save more energy in the museum.
