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篇名 孟子道德動機中的「情」之論辯——「肯定情感論」與「否定情感論」
卷期 44:10=521
並列篇名 The Debate on “Emotions” in Mencius’ Moral Motivation: Positive and Negative Viewpoints on Emotion
作者 劉悅笛
頁次 179-193
關鍵字 孟子情理架構道德動機MenciusEmotionsEmotion-rational StructureMoral MotivationA&HCI
出刊日期 201710




The emotions play so important roles in moral motivation among Mencius’ contexts. Moral emotions contain moral cognition, at the same time, emotions are engaged in moral reasoning. There is an emotion-rational structure in Mencius. In the interpretations of debate between Mencius and King Xuan, there are emotions in King’s moral reasoning in affirmative theory, but negativists think no emotional relation to reasoning. So I try to make four defenses for emotionism: 1. Is there a contradiction in emotion theory of Mencius? 2. How is sympathy pushed to the other?3. Is Mencius a motivational Internalist?4. How emotion-rational structure to operate?In short, the conclusion is no separation between emotion and reason in Mencius’ moral theory.
