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篇名 推動跨領域團隊教育的挑戰和策略
卷期 64:6
並列篇名 Implementing Inter-Professional Education (IPE): Challenges and Strategies
作者 李佳倫洪志秀
頁次 106-111
關鍵字 跨領域團隊教育跨領域團隊照護挑戰和策略inter-professional educationinter-professional practicechallenges and strategiesMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.6224/JN.000089




Inter-professional practice (IPP), necessary in today’s healthcare environment, should be guided and practiced through inter-professional education (IPE). Within the context of an effective IPE program, collaborative medical professionals must be cognizant of the demands of patients’ integrated care, organize a collaborative inter-professional team, and achieve the objectives of patient-centered care. However, the many challenges of IPE include insufficient understanding of inter-professional care, occupational culture-related boundary issues, lack of a college education, and insufficient support from academic and medical institutions. This article suggests adopting effective strategies to promote inter-professional recognition, create a harmonious medical culture, eliminate barriers to education, and enhance support for academic and medical institutions. Inter-professional collaboration between academic and clinical institutions must provide resources and substantive professional training. Effectively implementing IPE and IPP is expected to elicit trust, respect, and efficient communication from team members.
