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篇名 南朝官品制度中的「皇弟皇子府」及其意義
卷期 9:1
並列篇名 The “Princely Establishment” (huangdi huangzi fu) in the Rank System of the Southern Dynasties
作者 趙立新
頁次 001-062
關鍵字 皇弟皇子府參軍府僚皇帝政治官品princely establishment adjutantemperor politicsrank systemSouthern Dynasties
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.3966/207503662017060901001




The revival of imperial authority was one of the main trends in the political history of the Southern Dynasties. In the process of this revival, the “princely establishment” (huangdi huangzi fu 皇弟皇子 府,the official staffs of the emperor’s brothers and sons) was seen as an effective and trustworthy apparatus for carrying out a restoration of the emperor’s power. The princely establishment was not only built on the tradition of kinship, but also on the institutional basis of the Han and Western Jin principality. In the Western Jin, military commands had been combined into the principalities, but in the Eastern Jin this military power remained in the hands of prominent gentry. Beginning in the Liu-Song dynasty, emperors and their families—the princes—contested the clout of the gentry families, putting real power in the princely establishments. At the same time, however, the princely establishment also offered the gentry an attractive array of official posts, especially the “adjutant” (canjun) positions, to serve in. For this reason, the princely establishments came to play an important role not only in the revival of imperial power, but in the development of the official rank system as well.
