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篇名 讀《南齊書‧蠻傳》──兼論「蠻傳」書寫的變遷
卷期 9:1
並列篇名 A Study of the “Account of the Southern Barbarians (man)” in the History of the Southern Qi
作者 王萬雋
頁次 063-126
關鍵字 蠻傳南齊書蠻人南朝歷史書寫man peopleshistorical narrativeHistory of the Southern Qithe Southern Dynasties
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.3966/207503662017060901002




This study centers on the “ Account of the Southern Barbarians”5 (“Man zhuan” 蠻傳)in the 讯g/ (#洲 g/ Ww) of Xiao Zixian 蕭子顯.There are four noteworthy features in this historical narrative of the man peoples. First, because the man often joined the Northern Wei in revolt against the Qi, the term “Man-Lu” 蠻虜 (southern and northern barbarians) appears frequently. Second, among the man peoples, the Jingzhou man 荊州蠻 plays a leading role in this chapter. Third, Xiao Zixian did not completely approve of the Qi practice of winning the allegiance of the man peoples by granting them official titles. Fourth, although in this history the man peoples are not are classified by location or origins, Xiao Zixian is still concerned with their customs, and considers these customs the root causes of revolt.
