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篇名 《論語》中的「喜」與「樂」
卷期 44:11=522
並列篇名 Xi and Le in the Analects
作者 劉妮
頁次 167-182
關鍵字 樂以忘憂Xi Le Ju You Who in the Joy of its Attainment and Forget his SorrowsForgetA&HCI
出刊日期 201711




In Book of Poetry, Xi (delight) has already been used to express the feeling of delight in a person’s heart. In The Tso Chuen, the author used Xi (delight) and Ju (fear) to explain the internal feelings which contain pleasure and fear. Xi (delight) is not Le (Joy), the poets used to say that one is not satisfied with his usual life, and aspires to the ideal life in his heart. Being influenced by the understanding of Xi (delight) in The Tso Chuen, in the Analects Confucius used Xi (delight) to illustrate the phenomenon that when children facing the still living and doomed uncertain coming death of their parents, their heart experiencing a kind of complicate emotions which combine Xi (delight) and Ju (Fear). In the Analects, Xi (delight) is the kind of emotion, which can be transformed into other emotions, but Le (Joy) is different, it belongs to the inner feeling which only can be experienced and not be transformed into grief, fear, anger, hatred, etc. Besides that, You (Worry) is akin to Xi (delight), it is a transformable emotion. Therefore, Confucius has the teaching and experience of “who in the joy of its attainment and forget his sorrows”. “Forget” in the “who in the joy of its attainment and forget his sorrows” has directly effect on Zhuangzi. And the joy of Confucius and Yanhui is in fact forgetting the emotion of worries about poor by loving Dao with a joyful heart.
