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篇名 出入中西,回歸本源: 「一代大哲」方東美的學思歷程
卷期 44:11=522
並列篇名 Communicating East and West, Then Returning to the Origin of the Native Culture: the Great Philosopher, Thome Fang’s Philosophical Research Course
作者 李安澤
頁次 183-197
關鍵字 「一代大哲」出入中西回歸本源“A Great Philosopher of the Era”Communicating East and WestReturning the Origin of the Native CultureA&HCI
出刊日期 201711




Thome Fang is a famous philosopher in contemporary China. He is also taken as a typical representative of Modern Neo-Confucian. His philosophical thought is so deep and broad that communicates East and West, therefore, he is taken seriously as “a great philosopher of the era.” As Fang has thorough knowledge of Eastern and Western philosophy, his philosophy has accommodated various philosophical thoughts, and he has eventually returned to his own position of the native Culture. He estates that “I am a Confucian by family tradition; a Taoist by temperament; and a Buddhist by religious inspiration; moreover, I am a Westerner by training.” As for Fang’s research, it is rather complicated. He has intensively studied various philosophical thinking trends in order to grasp their origin and development. So to speak, his unique position is not only that he has led an extraordinary research route, but also that he has pointed out a creative thinking route for the development of Chinese culture.
