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篇名 教保服務人員情緒勞務之初探
卷期 112
並列篇名 A Preliminary Exploration of the Emotional Labor of Preschool Educators in Taiwan
作者 劉乙儀張瑞村
頁次 228-240
關鍵字 情緒勞務教保服務人員幼兒園emotional laborpreschool educatorpreschools
出刊日期 201711
DOI 10.3966/160683002017110112011


本研究採用文獻分析法(literature review)瞭解教保服務人員情緒勞務之 定義、影響因素與相關研究,以供未來相關研究之參考,本研究依據文獻分析 結果提出以下建議:(一)形塑教保服務人員專業地位;(二)重視公私立幼 兒園文化差異之事實;(三)持續進行臺灣教保服務人員情緒勞務相關之研 究。


This study adopted literature review to understand the definitions and influencing factors of the emotional labor of preschool educators. The results can be a reference for future research. Recommendations were proposed as follows according to the research results: (a) the professional status of preschool educators should be established; (b) cultural difference between public and private preschools should be emphasized; and (c) studies related to the emotional labor of preschool educators in Taiwan should be conducted continuously.
