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篇名 《論天人之際》與〈說儒〉:一個現代學術史的考察
卷期 44:12=523
並列篇名 Between the Heaven and the Human and Shuo Ru: An Investigation in Modern Academic History
作者 尤小立
頁次 143-158
關鍵字 胡適余英時巫傳統人文起源軸心突破Hu ShihYu Ying-shihWu-shaman TraditionHumanistic OriginAxial BreakthroughA&HCI
出刊日期 201712




Yu Ying-shih’s Between the Heaven and the Human—An Exploration into Origin of the Chinese Mind in Classical Antiquity is an important book to explore the origin of Chinese culture and Chinese thought. In addition to the influence of Karl Jaspers, Talcott Parsons and Max Weber, the book, mainly the methods and contents, is influenced by Hu Shih’s Shuo Ru (說儒), and is in a sense a continuation of the Shuo Ru. Of course, to understand the correlation or the inheritance between them, it is necessary to re-understand the status of Shuo Ru in the academic history and the ideological history, especially to understand Hu Shih’s realistic solicitudes and cultural appeals under the circumstances of the national crisis.
