
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Research on Weighted Travel Time Value Based on Passenger Flow Share Rate
卷期 28:5
作者 Hai-jun LiHong-Chang ZhouXiao-hong ChenChang-feng Zhu
頁次 147-154
關鍵字 grey predictionhigh speed railwayshare ratetravel time valueEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201710
DOI 10.3966/199115992017102805013



The rapid development of high-speed railway has an important and meaningful influence on the Chinese economic development. The existing studies mainly set the eastern developed area as the research background, and using the actual passenger flow and the unit time value demonstrates the impact of railway on regional economy. In this paper, setting the western region as the background, using a number of Logit model calculates the passenger flow, and introducing the weighted travel time value quantitatively calculates and analyzes the impact of railway and regional economy. At the same time, the Baoji-Lanzhou transport corridor, which is the main railway of the west high railway network, is going to be put into operation, by investigating regional economy along the corridor, and using the grey prediction method and Matlab toolbox predicts the GDP and passenger flow, and analyzes the sensitivity. The results obtained in this paper can provide a decision basis for the subdivision of railway passenger transport market and the optimization of passenger transport products.

