
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 LBS Privacy Preserving Model and Security Analysis Based on Expanded Anonymous Server
卷期 28:5
作者 Peng-shou XieTian-xia FuJia GuoQi Wang
頁次 155-161
關鍵字 anonymous communicationdata encryptionlocation based serviceprivacy preservingEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201710
DOI 10.3966/199115992017102805014



Considering the existence of privacy security threats in LBS, we designed a Expanded Anonymous Server based on traditional LBS system structure to protect privacy information. It use the fully homomorphic encryption method to ensure the safety of Anonymous Server; At the same time, the onion algorithm and asymmetric encryption methods are used to design an improved LBS privacy preserving model based on expanded anonymous server. The model ensures the user’s information is guaranteed to be not tampered or leaked. Using attack algorithm to detect the LBS preserving model and traditional LBS model, the security analysis shows that LBS preserving model can protect the user’s anonymous identity, location information and service content effectively in LBS.

