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篇名 安邦的〈十二首幻想曲與詠嘆調變奏曲〉探究
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 A Research of the Arban’s Twelve Fantaisies and Airs Variés
作者 林昭成
頁次 037-056
關鍵字 安邦小號短號巴黎音樂院教本ArbanTrumpetCornetParis ConservatoryMethod
出刊日期 201710
DOI 10.3966/207035892017101002002


安邦(Joseph Jean Baptiste Laurent Arban, 1825-1889)是十九世紀法國重要的短號 演奏家、教育家、作曲家。1859 年所著述的《短號與薩克斯號教本大全》,至今仍為 全世界銅管演奏者所使用。美國紐約卡爾‧費雪(Carl Fischer)出版社出版的《安邦 小喇叭教本》為高愛文編纂自《短號與薩克斯號教本大全》並加入了其他安邦的作品。 教本最後的〈十二首幻想曲與詠嘆調變奏曲〉成為小號作品中重要的曲目。然而遺憾 的是演奏者眾,但相關的研究在國內、外卻不多見。本文的研究目的為以此十二首作 品為例,透過研究安邦的生平、安邦與短號的緣由、《短號與薩克斯號教本大全》的 創作與短號樂器發展之關連、《安邦小喇叭教本》簡介、安邦的作曲風格,進一步了 解安邦創作〈十二首幻想曲與詠嘆調變奏曲〉的風格與技法。研究發現安邦的〈十二 首幻想曲與詠嘆調變奏曲〉匯集了整本教本的精隨,曲目整合了教本中出現過的技 法,並符合當代的音樂風格,唯鋼琴伴奏部分僅為配角,作曲家著墨不多。


Arban was a famous French cornet player, educator and composer in the late nineteenth century. His La grande méthode complète de cornet à piston et de saxhorn was first published in 1859 and it has been the most popular method ever since in the brass territory around the world. Arban wished to establish a systematic and effective way to play the cornet, and a systematic and effective way to teach the student how to play the cornet. Eventually he’d like to establish a cornet class in the Paris Conservatory. ARBAN’s Complete Conservatory Method for Trumpet (Cornet) was published by Carl Fischer and edited by Edwin Franko Godman from La grande méthode complète de cornet à piston et de saxhorn and added in more materials from Arban’s other works. The “12 celebrated fantasies and aires varies” were listed in the last part of the book, and some of the variations has become important trumpet literatures. It’s a pity that there aren’t many researches of these beautiful pieces. The purposes of this research are realizing the life of Arban, the relationship between Arban and the cornet, the creation of the method book, the Carl Fischer version, and the composition style of Arban, in order to understand the language of Arban while composing these pieces. The research findings show that these 12 pieces contain all kinds of techniques from the method book, and the musical style is corresponding to the style of contemporary music. However, the piano accompaniment parts are less important than the trumpet.
