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篇名 千營共一呼:策略研討會中議題設定的實踐分析
卷期 27:4
並列篇名 To the Answering Shout of A Thousand Tents: The Practice of Agenda-Setting in Strategy Workshops
作者 曾詠青洪世章
頁次 105-130
關鍵字 議題設定策略實踐策略會議開放策略行動研究agenda-settingstrategy-as-practicestrategy meetingopen strategyaction researchScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.6226/NTUMR.2017.MAY.A103-120


本研究從策略實踐的觀點,觀察與分析會議規劃者及參與者如何做好議題設定的工作。 議題設定是策略會議或是工作坊能否順利舉行的核心關鍵,也是近年來開放策略活動日 趨蓬勃發展中的一個重要研究問題。我們的研究對象是台灣於2012 年所舉行的第九次 全國科學技術會議,因為牽涉領域廣泛,相關利害關係人多元,如何做好議題設定進而 凝聚發展共識,是一件重要、但也深具挑戰性的工作。在方法上,我們紮根於質性的行 動研究,歸納出三種議題設定的策略實踐手法,包括:問題化、未來化,以及連結化, 同時也指出道德化所扮演的重要調節功能。我們的研究成果除了對於議題設定提供更豐 富的解讀以外,對於策略實踐、策略會議,以及開放策略等領域也能提供理論與實務上 的意涵。


This paper draws on a strategy-as-practice perspective to examine the articulation of agenda setting, a key activity important for both strategy meetings and open strategy. Our research target is the 9th National Science and Technology Conference held by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan in 2012. The conference is nationwide, regularly organized, and has an open design, highlighting the importance of setting agendas skillfully to build consensus and guide action. Using qualitative-based action research procedures, we develop three strategy tools for the design and delivery of agenda setting. These include problematizing, futurizing, and corresponding. We also point out moralizing as a moderator for such a strategic and creative process. We conclude by discussing the implications of our research for strategy workshops, strategy practices, and open strategy.
