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篇名 運用桌上遊戲增進退縮幼兒社交能力之方案
卷期 28
並列篇名 The Project for Improving Withdrawal Children’s Social Ability by Using Board Game
作者 劉黃佩姍孫麗卿
頁次 137-154
關鍵字 桌上遊戲退縮幼兒社交能力board gameswithdrawal childrensocial ability
出刊日期 201710


本研究的主要目的為透過桌上遊戲增進內向退縮幼兒之社交能力。透過「Penn 同 儕遊戲互動量表」、「學前兒童社交能力量表」和「Howes 同儕遊戲觀察表」篩選了二 名五歲內向退縮幼兒為研究對象。研究進行過程涵蓋了十一週的桌上遊戲介入和介入 後的追蹤觀察,介入過程除全程攝影、觀察記錄外,活動結束後亦會寫下當天的教學 札記;而追蹤觀察乃利用篩選工具再進行觀察記錄退縮幼兒在一般教室遊戲中的表 現。研究結果乃透過分析攝影、觀察記錄和教學札記之資料,將幼兒的成長歷程分為 觀察跟隨期、主動參與期以及頻繁互動期三階段,而有效的桌遊教學與引導策略則透 過遊戲過程的漸進引導模式進行,內容包含:選擇、提問、增加難度、改變玩法、加入 延伸活動以及遊戲之後的回顧、討論與預告。根據追蹤觀察對象幼兒在日常遊戲情境 中的退縮行為減少,並會使用一些社交技巧例如:溝通、與他人討論、互助、分享、主 動參與、解決問題、安慰、讚美等。


The main purpose of this research was to advance withdrawal children’s social ability by board games. Two 5-year-old withdrawal subjects were sifted from one private preschool class in Chiayi City by using “Penn Interactive Peer Play Scale (PIPPS)”, “Social Behavior Rating Scales for Preschool Children (SBRS)” and “Howes Peer Play Scale (PPS)”. The board game intervened for eleven weeks. The board game operation process was recorded by video and notes at the end. After intervention, observation was used to trace children’s social behavior in classroom. Records for children’s social behavior in the intervention process were categorized three stages: "observe and follow stage”, “actively involve stage “and" frequently interact stage". The effective teaching strategies for board game by a regular model of playing process included guided style, asking questions, adding difficulties, changing rules and extending activities. Also, discussing with children after every board game was necessary. After intervention, children have reduced their withdrawal behaviors obviously, and have used communication, discussion, helping, sharing, active participation, consolation, praise and cooperation with others in daily classroom activities.
