
中華體育 TSSCI

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篇名 「打造運動島」與「運動 i 臺灣」 計畫之比較
卷期 31:4
並列篇名 The comparison of "Build sports island" and "Sport i Taiwan"
作者 謝孟珊楊宗文
頁次 283-290
關鍵字 體育政策全民體育政策比較sport policysport for allpolicy comparisonTSSCI
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.3966/102473002017123104002


本文對打造運動島及運動i 臺灣計畫進行比較分析,旨在瞭解我國全民運動推展的現況及改變 的方向。研究結果發現:ㄧ、兩項計畫均以推展運動風氣及培養國人自發性規律運動習慣為主,但 運動i 臺灣以發展地方特色運動為新方向;二、政策制定模式由上而下修正為由下而上、計畫從號 召參與轉變為出擊通路、專案執行項目時彼此相輔相成,使計畫由單一效益調整為加乘效益的模 式;運動i 臺灣延續部分業務並透過七項新業務工作持續推動我國蓬勃的運動風氣。根據研究結果 提出以下結語與建議:一、從提升規律運動人口轉為培養運動專業人才;二、由團體轉為個人動機 誘發;三、更聚焦於特定需求族群;四、後續研究建議,供相關單位、民眾及未來研究提供參考。


This study compared of "Build sports island" and "Sport i Taiwan" plan, aims to understand the current situation and the changing direction of Sport for all of our country. The results were found: (a) The two programs are mainly to promote the movement and cultivate people's spontaneous regularity exercise habits, but "Sport i Taiwan" to develop of local characteristics for the new direction of movement; (b) The policy-making model was revised from the top down to the bottom-up, the plan changed from call-to-action to strike, the projects complement each other so that the plan is adjusted from a single benefit to a multiplier. Based on the results of the study, the conclusions and suggestions can be provided for the relevant units, people and future research.
