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篇名 殖民志業、民族榮耀與政權法統越南海防市以地名為街道名的紀念意涵
卷期 85
並列篇名 Colonial Enterprise, National Glory and Regime Legitimacy Commemorative Street-naming after Geographical Names in Hải Phòng, Vietnam
作者 康培德
頁次 001-026
關鍵字 Toponomystreet-namingNational Geographycity-as-textHải Phòng City地名學街道命名國族地理都市文本海防市ScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.6161/jgs.2017.85.01


本文以海防市街道名中的地名與其空間佈局為例,討論二十世紀以來越南不 同政權意識形態與街道名間的關聯。藉由將不同版本街道名視為可供多重詮釋的 都市空間文本,本研究認為海防市案例證明街道名中的地名,不僅可用於紀念軍 事成就、殖民母國的地緣政治、或緬懷失土外,還可用於宣揚戰後民族獨立、政 權法統,甚至用於未來的民族統一,以及先前殖民母國的國族內涵。外國地名因 其外來屬性,一般多為外來殖民政權用所鍾愛,獨立後的國家多捨棄外國地名。 但海防市案例顯示透過空間佈局可將外國地名轉成政權的法統意涵。海防市街道 名中的地名空間佈局,有法屬印度支那時期 (1887-1945) 強調當時法蘭西國族內 涵的輻射格局,附屬於法蘭西聯盟的越南國 (1949-1954) 透過相同輻射格局強調 其政權的法統地位, 以及再度統治北緯十七度以北的越南民主共和國 (1955-1975),改以具民族獨立、未來統一等紀念性意涵的地名烙印於貫穿原輻射 格局的東西向國道上,並藉由街道名的線性序列安排賦予歷史演化與未來使命的 時序概念。透過不同的空間佈局方式,讓原本靜態的地名成了具國族、法統、歷 史,甚至預言的紀念意涵。


This paper investigates the relationship between the state ideology and street-naming in Vietnam by examining street-names related to geographical names and their spatial layouts designed by successive regimes in Hải Phòng City since the 20th century. By treating different versions of the street names as city-texts for multi-interpretations, the study reveals that the case of Hải Phòng demonstrates that geographical names could be utilized for various themes going beyond those purely related to the contemporary geopolitics of colonial empires, military achievements, or the golden ages of the past, and further included the national identity of colonial power, national independence, regime legitimacy, and even anticipation of future reunification, as well. The foreign geographical names, which were less desirable to the post-colonial regimes, were nevertheless appropriated into a symbol of international support for the regime’s legitimacy by the spatial layout, in the case of Hải Phòng. The design of spatial layouts ranges from an expression of the contemporary national identity as stated in terms of regional geography under French Indochina (1887-1945), to a self-proclaimed worldwide endorsement for the legitimacy of a regime, namely the State of Vietnam (1949-1954), via the radiating pattern composed of a roundabout and its six intersecting streets. The subsequent Democratic Republic of Vietnam (1955-1975), in contrast, created a linear pattern conveying the idea of the evolutionary process of Vietnamese history, from the birth of a nation to its future reunification, by its naming of the thoroughfare cutting through the aforementioned spatial configuration centering on the roundabout. It is the spatial configuration of street-naming which transforms the ahistoric toponyms into vehicles of commemoration, imbued with the implications of nationalism, state legitimacy, or evolutionary and prophetic history.
