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篇名 點石成金事業電子廢棄物與貴金屬回收的市場化分析
卷期 85
並列篇名 Midas Touch Calculating Industrial Electronic Waste Value, and Qualifying Precious Metals
作者 廖昱凱
頁次 047-071
關鍵字 marketizationcalculative toolsqualitycircular economyindustrial electronic waste市場化計算工具品質循環經濟事業電子廢棄物ScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.6161/jgs.2017.85.03




In the circular economy, electronic waste is considered as a potential resource and pollutant, and should be recycled appropriately. Seven companies in Taiwan extract precious metals from industrial e-waste, seemingly implying that circular economy has become reality. However, several questions arise: How the circular economy is constructed; how to calculate the value of e-waste, and how the material content of e-waste influences the quality of the circular economy. With the perspective of marketization studies and waste geographies, this study analyzes practical processes of precious metals recycling market with company interviews, annual financial and technology reports analysis, and field trips. Analytical results indicate that recycling industrial e-waste depends on component analysis, recycling methods and the precious metal trading market. The relationship between calculative agencies, calculative tools, and calculable goods is established when e-waste is framed into the recycling market. The relationship of quality, value and price is identified only when industrial e-waste is transformed into manufactured goods. However, e-waste as recalcitrant material makes the framing of the relationship incomplete. Although companies attempt to internalize the overflowing of derivative waste through global recycling networks and innovation of technology, controversies of economy and environment exist.
