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篇名 幫助「被精神疾病困住個體」走出困局—「支撐個體健康生活」工作架構
卷期 33
並列篇名 To Help “The Individuals Trapped by Psychiatric Disorders” Get Out of the Doldrums —Working Structure to “Support a Healthy Living”
作者 羅美麟
頁次 101-127
關鍵字 社區復健康復之家被精神疾病困住個體支撐個體健康生活的工作架構psychiatric rehabilitationrehabilitation homeindividuals trapped by psychiatric disordersworking structure to support a healthy living
出刊日期 201712




My body has become frail. I become angry and anxious very quickly. I feel like time is running out before anything has even happened. My physical and mental state has brought me closer to the state of someone “trapped by psychiatric disorders,” and my physical and mental weakness has become our common language. It has allowed me to understand others with mental illnesses and develop a working framework to “support a healthy living,” a framework which provides implicit guidance for Yeantsy Supported Group Housing’s services. I will share with you a few examples from the lives of some people one-by-one so you can see how the working framework “supports a healthy living” and how it has helped these people walk out of the doldrums of illness and toward a life-saving and disease-free world.
