
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 A Non-parametric RDP Algorithm Based on Leap Motion
卷期 28:6
作者 Xue-Jian ZhangHong-Zhe LiuJia-Zheng YuanXian-Kai Huang
頁次 114-124
關鍵字 gesture recognitionhuman-computer interactionleap motionnon-parametric RDP detection algorithmEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.3966/199115992017122802010



With the popularization of computer hardware and software technology, humanmachine interaction technology plays an increasingly important role within the Museum field, and it received prominent attention from academia and industry. Particularly, the appearance of Leap Motion controller, man-machine interaction application is more extensive and mature. The operator by contacting fewer devices is ready for operation, without the use of external devices such as touch screen, mouse, keyboard. It makes computer interaction more responsive and convenient. In order to increase the accuracy and practicability of gesture recognition, this paper proposes a non-parametric RDP (Ramer-Douglas-Peucker) detection algorithm based on Leap Motion and the RDP algorithms are compared. Tests show that non-parametric RDP detection methods can effectively identify signs and have good adaptability.

