
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 The Study and Application of the New Control Layer for Enterprise-Class Web Applications
卷期 28:6
作者 Bi Liang
頁次 151-162
關鍵字 design and implementationenterprise-class web applicationsmulti-layer architecture modelMVC patternSpring MVCEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.3966/199115992017122806013



With the arrival of the big data era, due to the fact that enterprise-class web applications need to handle with more user-submitted requests so the effective control for a large amount of requests becomes increasingly important. In this paper, we propose the new control layer for enterprise-class web applications by properly combining with the function of C (Controller) component in MVC (Model View Controller) pattern, the cross-cutting idea of AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) and the layering thought of multi-layer architecture, which is specifically used to receive, parse and dispatch the user-submitted request from the presentation layer. Then we design and implement the control layer mainly through Spring MVC framework and apply it to the case – the control module of the MCRIMS (Movable Cultural Relics Information Management System). At last we compare it with the same case realized by the current popular controller technology-Struts2 under the same circumstance. This case shows that the control layer constructed in this paper is not only practical and feasible, but it also has advantages of easy implementation, good expansibility and fabulous adaptability. What’s more, compared with Struts2, the development cycle of the case based on the new control layer is shortened by about 35.71% and the performance turns out to be much better.

