
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Research on a Combination Weighting Method of Broadcasting and Television Program Evaluation
卷期 28:6
作者 Fu-Lian YinYan-Yan WangLu Lu
頁次 171-183
關鍵字 combination weightingobjective weighting methodsubjective weighting methodweightEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.3966/199115992017122806015



For the problem of weighting indexes not reasonable enough while we evaluate the index weight in multiple properties decision making by only subjective or objective weighting method, this paper comes up a combination weighting method based on maximizing deviations and normalized constraint condition methods. This method combines both subjective and objective information, deduces computational formula by double objective optimization model. The method also solves the problem of arbitrary choices problem, does quantitative experimental analysis on subjective and objective weighting methods respectively, then optimize decision-making. Then apply both subjective and objective methods on combination weighting method. Experimental data shows that this combination weighting method can cover relative importance of each index while also representing information, which came from index itself. By combining subjective and objective strategies, combination-weighting method is getting a more reasonable result.

