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篇名 蒸食饅頭用塑膠製品之衛生安全
卷期 16
並列篇名 Survey on the Hygienic Safety Status of Plastic Materials Used for Steaming Dumplings
作者 高雅敏施如佳林廖梅英饒麥玲黃春子陳石松林玉含鄭秋真
頁次 158-164
關鍵字 塑膠製麵粉袋材質試驗溶出試驗蒸發殘渣Plastic flour bagMaterial test, Leaching testLeadCadmiumEvaporated residueTSCI
出刊日期 199809


八十六年五月至六月由十一個縣市衛生局採樣蒸食饅頭用之塑膠製麵粉 袋23件、透明塑膠紙10件及半透明塑膠紙3件,共計36件檢體,其中有13件塑 膠製麵粉袋之外表具印刷字樣與圖樣,故亦將此印刷部分進行材質試驗及溶 出試。在材質試方面,三種未印刷蒸食饅頭用塑膠製品之鉛及鎘含量均 未檢出;塑膠製麵粉袋印刷部分亦未檢出鎘,但其鉛含量為〇〜1258.4 ppm, 其中有8件檢體之鉛含量超出衛生標準(1〇〇 ppm)。在溶出試驗方面,蒸發殘 渣:三種未印刷塑膠製品之水浸出液為1〜27 ppm,正庚烷浸出液為2〜28 ppm ;高錳酸鉀消耗量為0.2〜9.6 ppm。塑膠製麵粉袋印刷部分其4%醋酸溶 出液中重金屬含量均合乎規定(以Pb計,1 ppm以下),但其蒸發殘渣含量為 41〜100 ppm,均超出衛生標準(30 ppm以下)。综合以上檢驗結果,所抽驗 之蒸食饅頭用塑膠製品中共有8件具印刷油墨之塑膠製麵粉袋之材質試驗鉛含 量不符合衛生標準,不合格率佔所抽驗之13件具印刷塑膠製麵粉袋之 61.5%。故為確保食品衛生安全,行政院衛生署已函請各地方衛生機關及餐 飲業職業公會密切督導業者,避免使用有印刷油墨之塑膠製麵粉袋。


During a period from May to June 1997, a total of thirty-six samples of plastic materials used for steaming dumplings were accumulated from small food stores around Taiwan. This total of samples consisted of twenty-three flour bags, ten transparent plastic bags and three translucent plastic sheets. Included in the twenty-three flour bags were thirteen which had printing ink on their surfaces. All samples were analysed to investigate their respective sanitation and safety status levels. All testing was carried out in accordance with the Hygienic Standards and Methods of Analysis for Food Utensils, Containers and Packaging. The results showed that the material test did not detect lead or cadmium in plain plastic materials. The printed parts of the flour bags did not contain cadmium. However, the lead content detected in the ink printed flour bag samples ranged from 0 to 1258.4 ppm. Eight of these thirteen samples did not meet the hygienic standard. It was also discovered that the evaporated residues of plain plastic materials were found to be 1-27 ppm according to the water leaching test, and 2-28 ppm according to the n-heptane leaching test. The quantities of potassium permanganate used in testing these samples were 0.2-9.6 ppm. The contents of heavy metals in the printed parts of the plastic flour bags were below the hygienic standard limit by the present official method of analysis. However, the evaporated residues of these printed samples were 41-100 ppm according to the 4% acid leaching test. These values were all above the hygienic standard limit of 30 ppm. According to the material test, the lead contents of eight printed plastic flour bags violated the hygienic standard limit of 100 ppm.

