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篇名 南部地區市售口紅中部份化粧品色素之調查
卷期 16
並列篇名 Investigation of coal tar colors in lipsticks in the southern area of Taiwan
作者 蘇秀琴鄭守訓林阿洋廖俊亨
頁次 171-176
關鍵字 口紅色素CosmeticCoal tar colorsTSCI
出刊日期 199809


於南部地區抽購市面上販售之口紅檢體共50件,針對是否含有不得添加 成分化粧品用紅色26號、紅色27號、紅色28號、紅色30號、紅色31號、紅色 32號、紅色33號、紅色34號、黃色6號、黃色8號之(1 )、黃色9號、黃色11 號、黃色12號、橙色9號、橙色10號等十五種及因安全性方面有爭議且在歐美 已禁用之化粧品用紅色13號、橙色3號二種,共計十七種色素進行檢驗,結果 均未檢出有達規添加的情形。至於標示方面,不符合化粧品衛生管理條例第 六條規定者共23件,佔總件數之46%。本調查係本局之比較檢驗,曾於八十 七年三月三日發布新聞在案。


Fifty samples of lipsticks were collected from various cosmetic stores and department stores in Southern Taiwan as part of an investigation to detect coal tar colors that are not to be used in lipsticks. The standards of coal tar colors used included Rhodamin B, Violamine R, Brilliant fast scarlet, Permanent red F5R, Ponceau 3R, Ponceau 2R, Ponceau SX, Oil red XO, Fast red A, Permanent orange, Orange I, Orange SS, Hansa yellow, Naphthol yellow S, Oil yellow AB, Metanil yellow, Fast light yellow. The results concluded that coal tar colors were not detected in fifty samples.

