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篇名 台灣東部地區市售水產魚貝類腸炎弧菌及沙門氏桿菌污染之調查
卷期 16
並列篇名 Survey of contamination of Vibrio Parahaemolyticus and Salmonella spp. in fish and shellfish sold in Eastern Taiwan
作者 徐錦豐洪達朗
頁次 177-181
關鍵字 水產魚貝類腸炎弧菌沙門氏桿菌Vibrio ParahaemolyticusSalmonella spp.Fish, ShellfishTSCI
出刊日期 199809


自民國八十五年七月起至八十六年六月止,由宜蘭、花蓮及台東三縣市 抽購市售水產魚貝類檢體,共計80件,其中魚類46件、甲殼類12件、貝類13 件及頭足類9件。結果檢出腸炎弧菌陽性19件(23.8%),分別為魚類11件 (23.9%)、甲殼類3件(25.0%)、貝類3件(23.1%)及頭足類2件(22.2%)。菌數介 於4.0xl02〜2.1xl05 MPN/g。經血清學分析,有16株檢出血清型,3件未檢出。 其中以K17檢出頻率最高為8件,依次為K19有4件,K32有2件,K6有1件及 K28有1件。至於沙門氏桿菌,則檢出2件陽性檢體,分別為淡水魚及蜆。


From July 1996 to June 1997 forty samples of fish, twelve samples of crustacean, thirteen samples of shellfish and nine samples of cephalopod totaling eighty samples were taken from markets in Ilan, Hualien and Taitung. Vibrio Parahaemolyticus was detected in 23.8% of the total samples. This consists of eleven samples of fish, three samples of crustacean, three samples of shellfish and two samples of cephalopod. The range of MPN of Vibrio Parahaemolyticus was 4.0 x 102/ g to 2.0 x 105/ g. Serotypes of isolated Vibrio Parahaemolyticus that were detected consisted of K17 (eight strains), K19 (four strains), K32 (two strains), K6 (one strain) and three unidentified strains. Salmonella spp. was detected in one fish sample and one shellfish sample.

