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篇名 市售金針菜中亞硫酸鹽殘留量之調查
卷期 16
並列篇名 Survey on the Residues of Sulfite ( SO2) in Day Lily
作者 徐錦豐洪達朗廖俊亨
頁次 182-185
關鍵字 金針菜亞硫酸鹽Day LilySulfuur DioxideTSCI
出刊日期 199809


為瞭解市售金針菜中亞硫酸鹽殘留之情形,從民國八十六年七月起至八 十六年十二月止,自花蓮及台東二縣市抽購市售與產地金針菜,共計80件, 其中生鮮金針菜1〇件、乾製金針菜7〇件。依衛生署公告方法一食品中漂白劑 之檢驗方法一二氧化硫之檢驗,檢驗結果生鮮金針菜均未檢出二氧化硫殘 留,而乾製金針菜則有59件檢出殘留量超出衛生署限量標準0.5g/Kg,佔乾製 金針菜0.3%,含量介於1.26〜20.32g/Kg(以二氧化硫計),顯示生鮮金針菜未 含亞硫酸鹽,而加工過的乾製金針菜,多數在加工過程有過量使用亞硫酸鹽 或不當硫磺薰蒸,致使八成左右之產品有二氧化硫殘留超量。本調查係本局 之比較檢驗,曾於八十七年一月二十七日發布新聞在案。


From July 1997 to December 1997, a total of eighty samples of Day Lily were Obtained from markets, supermarkets and producing farms located in Hualien and Taitung. The total samples consisted of ten fresh samples and seventy dehydrated samples of Day Lily. Assay followed the official method. This involves methods of testing for bleaching agents in food and testing for sulfur dioxide.This method has been published by Executive Yuan of the Department of Health. The results concluded that sulfide residues of ten samples of fresh Day Lily and eleven samples of dehydrated Day Lily, representing 15.7% of the total sample, corresponded with the regulation limit. The remaining fifty-nine samples, representing 84.3% of the total sample, detected illegal levels of residual sulfite (S02) . This level ranged from 1.26g/kg to 20.32g/kg. These results signify that present processing of Day Lily, which involves soaking Day Lily in sulfite solution and sulfur smoking, must be evaluated.

