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篇名 親權酌定事件中未成年人最佳利益維護之實務困境—從社工員的觀點
卷期 13:1
並列篇名 A Research on Challenges of Social Workers Maintaining the Best Interests of the Child in Custody Case
作者 黃翠紋溫翎佑
頁次 001-026
關鍵字 家事事件法未成年最佳利益社工Law of Domestic ProceedingsBest Interests of ChildrenSocial Worker
出刊日期 201707


本研究深度訪談18位包含監護權訪視社工、程序監理人及地方縣市政府駐法院家事服 務處這3類第一線從事親權酌定事件工作的人員,來探討未成年子女最佳利益維護工作所面 臨的實務困境。研究發現,在工作上面臨的主要狀況有「親權酌定事件中三類人員角色定位 多係維護當事人權益與資源連結,惟監護訪視調查社工與程序監理人角色區別不明顯」、「社 工對最佳利益主要判斷標準為『尊重孩子意願』、『最小變動原則』、『檢視是否為善意父母』 及『撫養的意願』」、「社工無強制力要求當事人配合,影響工作品質」、「承審法官態度與社 工工作內容息息相關」等四項,故本研究提出改進建議有四:「親權酌定事件中專業人員角 色定位重要」、「建立完善專業人員選任資格及訓練制度」、「加強對法官的宣導與推廣」、「於 法院建置專業領域間的合作平台」。


The judge usually makes reference from social worker's visit reports to decide who have the right of custody. In addition to, judge could appoint a representative to protect the best interests of the child in custody case. Furthermore, local courts also need to provide space for the county and city governments setting up family service centers. This study according to 18 interviewees social workers who are working on the custody cases, found what the main challenges of social workers encountered are as following: "all three types of social workers still play a vague role in custody events, there is no significant difference among their roles", "social workers regard children’s will, minimum change, parents’ good will, and intention to parent as the criteria of children’s best interest", "the attitude of trial judge is closely related to the content of social workers’ job", "social workers have no power to request the parties’ cooperation." Finally, authors of this study provide four recommendations: It is important to clearly define the specific role of professional social workers. Proper institution of recruitment and training for social worker should be established. It is crucial to strengthen the publicity to judges. Finally, it is necessary to build the cooperation platform among the relevant professional fields in court.
