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篇名 Towards a Cognitive Healing for an Authentic Encounter of the Religious Other: Special Reference to Lonergan’s Thought
卷期 45:1=524
並列篇名 與宗教他者的真實相遇所需要的認知治療: 特別參考郎尼根的思想
作者 Chae Young KIM
頁次 019-036
關鍵字 Cognitive HealingBiasthe Religious OtherFunctional SpecializationImplementationReligious StudiesSubjectivityMethodology of CollaborationBernard LonerganWilfred Cantwell SmithScotosisCosmopolis認知治療偏見宗教他者功能專業化執行宗教研究主體性合作方法論郎尼根威爾弗雷德‧坎特韋爾‧史密斯《理盲》《國際大都會》A&HCI
出刊日期 201801




In this paper, with a special reference to Bernard Lonergan’s thought, I attempt to approach the question of the religious “other” within our current pluralistic context, focusing more on the cognitive healing role of the human agent and the cognitive bias problem of relating to “the other.” There is no attempt to articulate religious doctrines but, instead, I point to the possibility of a common context for spiritual security, a methodology of collaboration that is structurally rooted in our common human subjectivity and that will serve as a common basis for mediating authentic engagement in and between all traditions. Especially I try to point to the solution discovered by Lonergan in 1965.
