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篇名 郎尼根神學方法的傳承與創新
卷期 45:1=524
並列篇名 Tradition and Innovation in Lonergan’s Method in Theology
作者 魏嘉華
頁次 039-053
關鍵字 郎尼根的認知理論神學方法阿奎納的神學方法Longergan’s Cognitional TheoryMethod in TheologyAquinas’ Method in TheologyA&HCI
出刊日期 201801




Lonergan employs cognitional theory in Insight as a basis to develop his Method in Theology. Therefore, this paper first introduces Lonergan’s cognitional theory—experience, understanding, judgment, decision. Secondly, it illustrates Lonergan’s Method in Theology. Lonergan describes eight functional specialties. 1. Research: to collect the materials related to theology; 2. Interpretation: to understand the meaning of the materials; 3. History: to investigate the time, place, persons, and public events of the tradition, in other words to understand what is going forward in time; 4. Dialectic: to make the conflicts in a subject’s horizon explicit and to promote conversion; 5. Foundations: to make a subject live in God’s horizon based on the subject’s conversion as the prior condition; 6. Doctrines: to express judgments of fact and judgments of value; 7. Systematics: to deal with incoherence in the facts and the values in doctrines, in order to achieve an interior coherence; 8. Communication: to transmit the message of faith to others. Finally, it focuses on the comparison between Lonergan’s method in theology and Aquinas’ method in theology to understand tradition and innovation in Lonergan’s method in theology.
