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篇名 因應少子化高等教育人力資本之運用─退場大學教師轉銜安置機制之芻議
卷期 7:2
並列篇名 Human Capital Management in Higher Education Institutions in Response to the Sub-replacement Fertility Trend-A Proposition of the Mechanism for University Teachers' Settlement and Transition
作者 林逸茜袁宇熙高曼婷
頁次 132-147
關鍵字 十二年國教高等教育人力資本大學退場教師轉銜安置機制12-year compulsory educationhigher educationhuman capitalclose universitylecturer assistances in transitions and arrangement mechanism
出刊日期 201802


為了提升國家整體競爭力,政府宣布自2014 年全面推動十二年國民基本教 育。雖然十二年國民基本教育的範圍為高級中等以下學校教育,但高級中等教育 是大學的主要招生來源,學生素質更是高等教育持續教學輔導的對象,亦即健全 的十二年國民基本教育,才能培育具備良好學習能力的高等教育學生。而我國將 自2016 年開始少子女化趨勢嚴重波及高等教育學制,高等教育所受到的發展威脅 不可同日而語,目前雖然未到少子女化的谷底,業已遭逢大學頻頻面臨退場的考 驗與挑戰。面對退場學校教師的處理,應建立一套周延的機制,以利人力資本量 能的維繫與社會的穩定,故本文透過其他國家處理案例,配合勞動三法的規範原 則,提出退場大學教師轉銜安置機制之芻議,提出四點建議:重視人力資源是我 國持續進步的資產、大專院校教師人力資源轉銜的因應可再細膩規劃、日本和韓 國措施值得參考及大專人力轉銜的可能配套機制值得參考,以供教育決策及相關 單位參酌。


In order to improve the overall competitiveness of Taiwan, the government announced that it will comprehensively implement twelve-year basic education from 2014 onward. 12-year compulsory education is implemented in primary and secondary school. However, the main source of student enrollment for universities is secondary school. In other words, students in secondary schools are the subjects that universities continue to teach and counsel. Therefore, only a well-developed twelve-year basic education can nurture students that will pursue higher education with good learning ability. However, since 2016, the trend towards fewer children and a declining birthrate in Taiwan have seriously affected the higher education system. The threat posed to higher education are becoming more ominous. At present, although declining birth rates have not yet reached a historic low, universities are already facing the challenges of potential closures. In order to better manage faculty members following university closures, a comprehensive mechanism should be established to maintain human capital and social stability. Therefore, this study proposes a mechanism for university teachers' settlement and transition after university closures. Through the discussion of cases in other countries, following the Three Labor Laws, suggestions have raised to address these four points: (1) Cherish human resources in Taiwan to keep the country progressing. (2) Arrange for the transitioning of human resources in higher education, especially university and college teachers more attentively. (3) Take as reference the educational measures in Japan and Korea. (4) Figure out the possible supporting mechanisms for workforce transitions in higher education. It is hoped that this proposal will be conducive to educational decisions so that relevant departments can hold further discussions pertaining to these issues.

