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篇名 樂齡學習者應學基本知能、生活品質與其關係之研究
卷期 28
並列篇名 Relationship Between the Quality of Life and Basic Knowledge That Elderly People Should Learn
作者 陳嘉彌陳殷哲
頁次 043-083
關鍵字 老人知能成長老人福利權利高齡者學習銀髮族基本知能elderly people’s knowledge growthwelfare for elderly peopleelderly learningbasic knowledge for elderly people
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.3966/181880012017060028002




According to the Council for Economic Planning and Development, Executive Yuan, in 2018, 14% of the population in Taiwan will be elderly people aged 65 years or older, and Taiwan will be considered an aging society. Although elderly people can benefit from learning any type of information, some particular basic knowledge that elderly people should learn can directly or indirectly infl uence their living skills and quality of life. This study investigated the relationship between quality of life and basic knowledge that elderly people should learn from an elderly learning program. The participants in this study were elderly people who participated in courses provided by elderly universities and local elderly learning centers subsidized by the Ministry of Education in 2013. The research instruments were a questionnaire about the basic knowledge that elderly people should possess and the Taiwanese version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF. The results revealed that whether elderly people value their quality of life determines whether they are willing to learn. This study motivated educators to incorporate basic knowledge that elderly people should learn into elderly learning courses, materials, and activities.
