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篇名 本省東部特産(鴨(月賞)及膽肝)與香腸中防腐劑及保色劑使用現況調查
卷期 10
並列篇名 Investigation of Preservatives and Nitrite of Meat Products in Eastern Part of Taiwan
作者 洪達朗胡仲勳
頁次 138-139
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 199209



From September 1990 to May 1991, 184 samples of meat products were purchased, including 93 Chinese style sausages, 48 salted pork livers and 43 salted ducks, and the residues of preservatives and nitrite were analyzed by official methods of CNS. The results showed all 3 kinds of meat product beared the regulatory requirement with respect to preservative usage, the preservatives found were mainly sorbic acid and benzoic acid, also found was the preservative usage of Chinese style sausage beared locality character, samples from Taitung had the highest percentage of preservative addition, samples from Hualein the second and samples from I Lain the lowest. Very few of salted pork liver samples found the nitrite residual while the percentage of nitrite residual of salted ducks was significantly higher than that of Chinese style sausage, 39.6% and 6.5% respectively.


