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篇名 The Modern “Desert” and the Self: Rethinking the Worldly and the Religious through Arendt and Kierkegaard
卷期 45:2=525
並列篇名 現代「沙漠」及自我:鄂蘭與齊克果的 世俗觀和宗教觀之對立與反思
作者 周岫琴
頁次 057-075
關鍵字 WorldlinessReligiousnessSelfArendtKierkegaard世俗性宗教性自我自我鄂蘭齊克果A&HCI
出刊日期 201802




This paper aims to inquire whether it is possible to negotiate the conflicting categories of “love of the world” and “love of God / Eternity” in the context of modern secularism. The investigation is oriented toward bringing into conversation the divergent perspectives of two important modern thinkers, Søren Kierkegaard and Hannah Arendt. In Kierkegaard, we find a modern believer’s (Christian) philosophy of existence featured by prioritizing singular individuals’ “religious inwardness.” In contrast, Arendt, with all her profound understanding of Saint Augustine’s pursuit of self and eternity, bases her political theory on the recognition of human reality as “worldliness” and “human plurality.” Ultimately, through re-estimating their heterogeneous propositions about hope for humanity in the modern “desert-world,” this comparative discussion attempts to reflect upon the possibility of negotiating their incompatible “loves” and “beliefs.”
